In this episode, you will s t u d y . . .
well done
making suggestions
negative yes/no questions
talking about the weather
want to (wanna)
out of (outa)
Do Americans have much leisure time
What are some typical superstitions in the United States?
• What do you do in your leisure time?
• Do you have any superstitions?
ACT 2 part 1
lake in upstate New York)
Robbie: This is really neat! When do we eat?
Philip: First, we have to catch some fish. In order to catch fish, you have to do this. Here we go. That's it. Then drop it into the water. All of this comes before eating. OK?
Robbie: How do you know so much about fishing?
Philip: Grandpa taught me. We spent a lot of time fishing together. Now, the important thing is to get the boat close to the fish. All right? Like this.
Robbie: I think I see some fish right under us, Dad.
Philip: Oh, not a chance!
Robbie: I just saw a big one!
Grandpa: Hi, there!
Albert: Hi.
Grandpa: What's your name?
Albert: Albert.
Grandpa: Are you all alone?
Albert: Yes, sir.
Grandpa: How old are you , Albert?
Albert: I'm ten.
Philip: Where's your father?
Albert: He's up there at the lodge.
Philip: Does he know you're here?
Albert: Yes, sir.
Philip: OK, Robbie, maybe you should watch him. The water's pretty deep here.
Robbie: I'll watch him, Dad.
Listen to act 2 and complete part 2:
Robbie: What 1)_______is it?
Grandpa: It's almost lunchtime and no 2)_____yet.
Robbie: I can go up to the 3)_____for some hot dogs and drinks.
Philip: No way! We're here to catch our 4)_________.
Grandpa: To catch fish, you 5)_______the right magic.
Philip: That's right. I forgot! The right 6)_____. Do it for Robbie, Dad.
Grandpa: You remember?
7)_____Philip: . Come on.
Grandpa: Well, first you have to turn your 8_____around like this. Then you close your 9)________and say the magic words. Fish, fish, send me a fish.
Robbie: Fish, fish, send me a fish...I got one!
Grandpa: , 10)______it works!
Robbie: It's a big one!
Philip: Well, it always worked for me, too.
Robbie: Grandpa, get the net, 11)________!
Robbie: Dad, you got one, too!
Philip: You bet I 12)_______!
Grandpa: Easy, Philip, 13)______.
Robbie: Sorry, Dad.
Philip: Well, one more and I've got a pair of boots.
Robbie: You didn't say the magic words.
Grandpa: Robbie's right.
Philip: Yes, but you did, and we've got our lunch. Let's build a fire and cook it! Come on, Albert, you can help us!
Albert: I want to stay here and fish.
Grandpa: All right, but be 13)_________.
Robbie: Is it finished yet?
Philip: I think so. I hope you like your fish well done.
Grandpa: Burned, you mean.
Philip: Hey, I'm a doctor, not a chef.
& Robbie: Heh, heh, heh, heh...
Albert: Help! Help! I can't swim.
Robbie: Dad! Grandpa! He fell in.
Philip: Easy does it, Robbie. That a boy. That's it.
Grandpa: He's not breathing, Philip!
Philip: Robbie, run to the car. Bring a blanket and my medical bag.
Robbie: Yes, Dad.
Philip: Now, come on, son. Come on, son.
Grandpa: Breathe, Albert!
3) How do you call this object?
Answer the following questions:
- Where are they?
- What happened at the end of ACT 2?
- Who pulled the boy out of the water?
- Was the boy alone when he fell into the water?
- What's his name?
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving technique useful in many emergencies. You can also say: mouth to mouth breathing.
- Does Philip receive a phone call? Who calls him?
- Is Robbie frustrated because they must leave?
- What does he say?
ORAL PRACTICE: Use the following:
PAGE 68 Family Album USA Workbook
STUDENT A: Aren´t you going to the big football game this afternoon?
STUDENT B: No. I really feel bad about it......BUT I HAVE TO.....
1) fix this leaky faucet
2) study for a Math test
3) run some errands: go to the bank, do some grocery shopping....
4) cook for the entire family
5) I need to take the car to the garage
STUDENT A possible responses:
Hand me the....books/ hand me the recipes/ hand me the car keys.../ hand me the shopping list/
STUDENT B: THANKS, BUT...Aren´t you going..........?
go fishing
go bowling
go dancing
go swimming
go bike riding
go horseback riding
go jogging
Open Fundamentals of English Grammar and go to SUGGESTIONS page 145 (168 pdf)
Answer the questions:
• What do you do in your leisure time?
• Do you have any superstitions?
Watch ONLY act 1 and answer these questions:
1) What is grandpa cooking for breakfast?
2) Is Robbie in the kitchen too?
3) Is Robbie cooking or helping?
4) What is the weather going to be like today?
5) What does Robbie have to do for homework?
6) What kind of computer program does he have?
7) What does grandpa want to do tomorrow?
8) When was the last time Philip and Robbie went fishing?
9) What happened when Philip caught his first fish as a child?
10) What is the weather going to be like tomorrow?
Act 2 Part 1- Vocabulary match
1) Here we go---------------------------------------completely
2) Before eating---------------------------------- small house/ a cabin
3) Now, the important thing is...--------------USE -ing verb form (eating) after preposition.
4) Not a chance------------We're stating now
5) all ------------------------- Philip wants to be funny, of course Robbie knows the hook needs to be near the hook.
6) lodge -------------------------------that's impossible
7) neat---------------------------------- great!

1) What are these below?
2) What's this?
Watch act 3 and complete the gaps
Robbie: Here's the bag. Will he be OK, Dad?Philip: I 1)_______ so. That's it. That's the way. That's it. There. Oh, it's going to be all right. That's it. Wrap (cover) him in the blanket. Dad! That's it. That's it. It's all right, Albert. You're going to be OK.
Albert: I want my daddy!
Philip: We'll 2)_________ you to him. Easy now. Easy does it. (relax now) That's it.
Grandpa: Your dad is quite a guy. (great person)
Robbie: I 3)________, Grandpa.
Grandpa: How is he, Philip?
Philip: He's asleep. He's going to 4)_________ fine.
Father: How can I thank all of you?
Philip: 5)________ my son Robbie. He pulled him out of the water.
Father: I'm very grateful, Robbie.
Robbie: Dad saved him, not me.
Father: I'm so thankful to all of you.
Philip: So long.
Grandpa: He's a lucky boy. Well, what do you 6)________ we get back to our fishing?
Philip: That's great idea. Uh-oh. It's probably the hospital. I have to get to a phone. It probably 7)_________ we can't stay.
Robbie: That's OK.
Philip: One of my patients has a high fever, and I have to go to the hospital. I'm sorry, Robbie. I 8)_______ I ruined your day.
Robbie: You didn't ruin my day, Dad. I 9)__________. I really do.
Part 2 Watch the rest of ACT 3 and complete the gaps
(Later that day...)
Ellen: Why are you back so early? (return)
Grandpa: Philip had to 1)_____ back to the hospital.
Robbie: He had an emergency.
Ellen: Oh, that's too bad, Robbie. Did it spoil your fun? (ruin)
Robbie: No, Mom. We had a great time. (we enjoyed ourselves)
Ellen: Well, did you do any fishing?
Robbie: Yeah, we 2)_______ lots of them. Look! They had a special on frozen fish down at the supermarket. (special price offered on…)
Ellen: Oh, you really had a bad day.
Grandpa: We had a good day. Robbie 3)______ a boy out of the water.
Robbie: And Dad 4)______ his life. He's a terrific doctor, Mom.
Ellen: I know.
(That night...)
Philip: Hi, Pop. Hi, Son.
Robbie: Hello, Dad.
Philip: What a day!
Grandpa: How about a cup of coffee, Son?
Philip: I'd 5)_______ a cup of coffee..
Robbie: How was the patient?
Philip: She'll be fine.
Robbie: Was it serious?
Philip: No.
Robbie: Until today, I 6)______ never really interested in medicine.
Philip: Well, it's hard work.
Robbie: Now I 7)_______.
Philip: I had a good time today, Robbie.
Robbie: Me, too
Philip: Why don't we 8)____ it again?
Robbie: Can we? When?
Philip: How about next Saturday?
Robbie: Won't you 9)_____ busy?
Philip: I'm changing my schedule. Well, do we have a date?
Robbie: We sure do, Dad. Grandpa, can you 10)_______?
Grandpa: I have other plans, Robbie. But I think you two can have a good time together without me.
Philip: No, Dad, and certainly not without the right magic.
Watch the complete episode with subtitles