Read the information below then
Use THE with:Oceans, rivers, seas, gulfs, plural lakesThe Red Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes |
NEVER use THE with:Singular lakesLake Michigan, Lake Arrowhead |
MountainsThe Rocky Mountains, the Andes
MountsMount Rushmore, Mount McKinley |
Earth, moonThe earth, the moon |
constellations, galaxies
Saturn, Mars, Orion, Andromeda |
Schools, colleges and universities when the phrase begins with school, etc. The University of Chicago, the University of Florida, the College of Arts and Sciences |
Schools, colleges and universities when the phrase begins with a proper name Fullerton College, California State University, Harvard University |
Ordinal numbers before nouns
The First World War, the seventh chapter
Cardinal numbers after nouns
World War one, chapter seven |
Wars (except world wars)
The Crimean War, the Korean War
Countries preceded by New or an adjective such as a direction New Zealand, South Africa |
Countries with more than one wordThe United States, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates |
Countries with only one wordArgentina, France, Spain |
Historical documentsThe Constitution, the Magna Carta |
Continents and statesAmerica, Europe, South America California, Texas, Atlanta |
Ethnic groupsThe Indians, the Aztecs |
SportsBaseball, basketball, tennis |
Abstract nouns
Love, freedom, happiness
General areas of subject matter
Mathematics, biology, history
Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving