Watch the video and complete the gaps with the word or phrase you hear

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In Act I, Robbie notices that Alexandra is unhappy about something. Alexandra is lonely. She misses her family in Greece. A little later, they hear a strange sound

Alexandra: Robbie, this new Walkman is wonderful.

Robbie: Richard and Marilyn it for me for my birthday.

Alexandra: They're so thoughtful. You are very lucky, Robbie, To have a nice family.

Robbie: Is something wrong, Alexandra?

Alexandra: No, nothing.

Robbie: Yes, there is. I can tell. What's the ? Come on, you can tell me .What's ?

Alexandra: I don't . Something's wrong.

Robbie: OK, let's talk.

Alexandra: I a letter from my partents this morning.

Robbie: they some bad news?

Alexandra: No.

Robbie: Well, then why are you so ?

Alexandra: I miss them. I miss very much.

Robbie: I'm sorry. Alexandra. But I .

Alexandra: The Mollnas me so nicely, and I being with you family so much... but when I the letter with photographs of my family, I cried. I because I miss them all.

Robbie: You really miss your family, don't you?

Alexandra: Yes.I know I must seem silly. It's not like I have nobody. I Like the Molinas very much, and they're so kind to me.

Robbie: Hey, why don't we go out for a and French mes? That'll cheer you up. And you can use my Walkman.

Alexandra: That's a good idea. But if we go out, please don't complain your math teacher or your math homework. I wanna have .

Robbie So do I.

Robbie I have to the lights, or else my father will get really angry. He says I never turn them when I leave. If they come home and they're ...

Robbie Do you something?

Alexandra Yes. What that?

Robbie It sounded like a dog .

Alexandra It like a dog barking right here.

Robbie Yeah.

Alexandra: A dog!

Robbie: A Spaniel! on in! Make at home.

Alexandra: Oh,you poor little thing. Come here.

Robbie: Come .

Alexandra: Poor .

Robbie: Where you come ?

Alexandra Her name's Gemma, and she to Mr.and Mrs.Levinson. There's a phone number-five five five...eight four four eight. Robbie,

maybe you should call and tell the Levinsons we have cute little spaniel.

Robbie I've always a springer spaniel.She's so cute.

Operator The number you ae calling-555--is no longer in service.

Robbie The number's no longer in .

Alexandra Oh, you poor, poor baby. You've your family.

Robbie We'll them. Don't worry, Alexandra.