Select the right answer:

What is the main theme of the video? Answer is
a) The history of video game development
b) The importance of artistic recognition
c) The rise and fall of Atari

Who is credited as the creator of the first action-adventure game? Answer is
a) Steve Wright
b) Warren Robinette
c) A 15-year-old boy from Salt Lake City

How did Warren Robinette address his dissatisfaction with Atari? Answer is
a) He demanded royalties for his work.
b) He quit his job and started his own company.
c) He hid his name in the game Adventure.

What was the significance of the secret room in the game Adventure? Answer is
a) It contained valuable in-game items.
b) It displayed the credits for the game's creators.
c) It showcased hidden messages from Atari's management.

How did Atari respond when Warren Robinette's secret room was discovered? Answer is
a) They praised his creativity and embraced the idea of hidden surprises in games.
b) They terminated his employment and filed a lawsuit against him.
c) They ignored the discovery and continued selling the game.

What analogy did Atari's new lead game designer, Steve Wright, use to describe hidden surprises in video games? Answer is
a) Finding treasures in a treasure hunt
b) Discovering secrets in a mystery novel
c) Uncovering hidden Easter eggs on Easter morning

How did Warren Robinette feel about the outcome of his rebellion against Atari? Answer is
a) He regretted his actions and wished he had handled the situation differently.
b) He was indifferent and moved on to other projects.
c) He felt vindicated and believed it was poetic justice.

What happened to Atari following the release of Adventure? Answer is
a) It became the leading video game company in the industry.
b) It experienced financial success and expanded its market share.
c) It collapsed and went out of business within a year.