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[Narrator] Three words you should never ask:
What's ...haggis?
- Lamb's , lamb hearts, lamb ...
- [Narrator] Well, too late now.
Let's do the story.
This is Fraser MacGregor.
He's a haggis .
- I am a champion haggis maker.
- [Narrator] Ah, he's a champion haggis maker
here in Dingwall, Scotland, at Cockburn, George & Son.
And they don't hide their title.
- We are the first champion haggis makers in Scotland.
We won the title in .
- [Narrator] Chances are you've never of haggis,
or at least you've never haggis,
and that's because it's a very, very Scottish dish.
- [Fraser] Haggis has been around for centuries in Scotland.
It was evolved of years ago
to use up all the pieces of an animal, mainly ,
as in the lungs, the livers, the heart,
that you wouldn't normally use in everyday cooking.
Traditionally, haggis is encased in the sheep's .
- [Narrator] Uh, fun fact, these days
stomachs are not really used anymore.
They're actually being made in non-edible ,
which are easier to cook with, and they don't have a ...
uh, let's just say "distinctive" odor.
Making haggis is .
- To make haggis from the start, from the raw ingredients,
it takes 18 to 20 hours.
First, we cook the haggis ingredients overnight.
Then we .
We mince it all together with the dry ingredients.
And then after that, it goes into the filling machine.
It is then put into the boilers
for the last and final cooking.
- [Narrator] And it's served any number of ways:
Traditionally, like this, with potatoes and .
But today, chefs, they're getting more creative.
- The flavor of haggis is quite unique.
It tastes savory, very rich.
You can't eat too much of it; it's quite heavy as well.
- [Narrator] Honestly, we tried the haggis,
and it's really good here.
Anyway, this secret recipe
Fraser didn't actually .
- The original recipe was introduced
into the shop by Jockey MacCullan.
I worked with Jockey for many, many years.
I've now doubled his number of years in the shop,
so I think I can call it my recipe now.
To is quite hard
in this day and age, with the course of everything,
but we've tried our best, and obviously
we're gonna have to keep it going.
I'll to the next generation.
- [Narrator] Can we see the recipe?
- No. (chuckles)
You come by the shop, and then I can show you.