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my name is Santiago Alvarez or Tato -( my) nickname. We are here making polo
our specialty is make mallets
I used to work in Argentina with antique

; we made reproductions.

My brother-in-law was playing and one day he one of his mallets and and I start(ed) to see. I asked what happened with that mallet , if he threw ( it) away or not, and for me, (it) was like a hobby. I asked for the mallet and I tried to fix that one and and I start(ed) to try and then you know I start(ed) to make .
I was looking for canes and then I start(ed) to send heads to United States or some materials (to) here. And then I got a job in United States.
I worked for another (other) two companies here until I start(ed) by myself.

To make a well crafted polo mallet you have to go through several steps:

We have many and we start to to make the process to select (a) mallet for one player; we have to find the right weight of the canes and then we start to go through the canes we try to find the right .

Someone's (Some people) want like a flex mallets, steep mallet, or medium steep.

This is why we go to the cane sometimes- you know- to make twenty mallet(s) we have to check a hundred fifty canes and then we find possibles (possible one) and then we put the weight on the cane, and we try again we check the balance. Finally, we can get the twenty mallets, and from that we can complete the order.

We work with Batu canes or Manaos canes, and those come from . We select the canes over there and from here we start to make different process(es).

From raw material to a mallet you let canes 54 and a half inch long from that you have plenty (of) room to cut the cane to make different sizes, from 49 inches until 54.

(One) important step is when you see which one is the natural bend of the Canes and you can see marks on the Canes and sometimes you know those are . And then when you use that the process to straight the cane and cure the cane. The heat inside is like a the natural humidity of the cane become you know steam and you know makes softer you know to spray all the workers they know which is about to to give more fire on or for less to try to to keep the cane straight sometimes canes take two minutes to to
straight some other ones they have to repeat the process to and finally is like another 10 15 minutes
it's a long long process then you you cook they can basically you curing in an oven for like seven days and from that we make another cut and then we start to work with the handle. The handle is almost like a mechanic processes is almost is the same for almost all the Canes.

The head are made with wood. (This) wood come(s) from Argentina if you have to get the best
from the wood and this is why you work with different head size(s). The best players come from Argentina and they they use (have used) that
wood for a long long time almost everyone now (the) world they use Tipa wood.

and the end result a beautiful polo mallet.

During the process is like a you the cane like 20 30 times until you make a polo mallet.

(During) All the steps (and) the process I like to work with my hands and I like to make polo mallet(s). My idea was, you know, come to United State(s) and see how is everything in a mallet factory. Now, we are (have been) like four nine years in business since I start here it's like a family business yes I have a my wife helped me with the administration.

Tato´s son, Santiago, also helps run the shop

Maybe sometimes the customers come and they they like to make some to the mallets who will usually make notes we write everything down over here we put it down so that we can everything all the repairs by the mallet and you know after - two weeks three weeks the mallets are complete and then we ship them out or we give them a call (so) they can pick them up.

it's not only your work is your work plus they comment from the customers. we work together like players and the
makers and we are trying to put you know our skill on the canes, you know - satisfies his requirements.

I think it's the best the best part when someone has accept your job, or you know or they recognize you did a good job they say thank you you know you make a good mallet or they are happy. You can see the results of the mallet