Watch the video and complete the gaps with the word you hear- Prepositions

- The Old Forge was named Britain's
most remote pub the Guinness Book of World Records.
- It's located here Knoydart,
northern Scotland.
Nearly everyone who tries to get there dies
the flames.
- Okay. This isn't Mordor, but it is tricky.
As we found out, one does not simply walk to
the Old Forge pub.
Plan one: we take the train.
- Isn't that the train Harry Potter?
- Oh, it is.
So, we pack our gear, jump the train.
- Enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
- Arrive the Old Forge.
- Order a pint.
- No, no, no. It doesn't work.
The train doesn't come to Knoydart.
It ends in Mallaig terminal.
- Hey wait. Who is this guy?
- My name is Jean-Pierre Robinet, and I'm the remotest
public in mainland Britain.
- Oh, okay.
Plan two: We'll walk.
- Here's the plan.
We pack our gear.
- Fill our water bottles.
- Pack some snacks.
- Prepare the Scottish wilderness.
- Enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
- Arrive the Old Forge.
- Order a pint.
And... (sighs)
- Well, you could.
But to be honest, I don't think you would.
Because it a 18 miles hike, and is very boggy.
No tracks. Just cross country the highlands,
and you could carry all your gears all the way ,
but I don't know. It's quite difficult.
It's two days hike.
One night in the ...(mumbles).
- Okay.
Plan three.
We drive.
We pack up our gear.
- We hire a car.
- Make it a four four, and hit the road.
Enjoy the breathtaking scenery.
- Arrive the Old Forge.
Order a pint.
And... (sighs)
- It's totally impossible to drive here.
The nearest road is 18 miles here.
So you need to park in Mallaig, and jump a boat.
- Oh!
- Full time I will say around 130 people live
on the peninsula.
Of course, the tourism is the main part of our business.
We're really busy between the first March
and mid October.
We've got the backpackers and hikers because we are
one of the two best hikes in Scotland here.
Here is totally unspoiled.
Knoydart is clearly the last British wilderness.
- Okay.
Final plan.
We take the ferry.
- We pack our gear.
Buy a ticket.
- Get the ferry.
Enjoy the breathtaking scene of...
My God, there are three whales right the boat.
- Whales, literally.
- Arrive Knoydart.
Wave good-bye to the ferry Captain.
Arrive the Old Forge.
Order a pint.
♫ Congratulations
- You made it.