Hi everyone! Hope you're
Welcome to my morning routine!
So one of the first things
each morning is I get out of bed and open up our blinds letting the sunlight in. After that, I like to do some light stretching and bodyweight exercises.
I typically go for a longer walk later in the afternoon to get some extra exercise, but I love
my day just by getting some of the kinks out of my body from my previous night's sleep since I sit at a desk for most of my job. If I knew it really important to get some movement in right and when I wake up.
After about 15 to 20 minutes of stretching, the next thing that I'll do is
. And this is just one of those small but essential parts of my morning routine
that's neat and tidy and that sets my day up for focus and productivity.
Next it's time
and move on.
And then every other day - every three days I like to go for a shower and I always
the night before; hence, I have one less decision I need to make in the morning.
After my shower, I usually
and do some basic skincare. So for clothing today I wore my Organic Basics brand underwear as well as a top from Two Fold Clothing- a local ethical brand in Charlotte as well as my Everlane black skinny jeans.
It's a really simple outfit but one
a bit more put together. And then a couple other hygiene items we're just using deodorant and moisturizer and this it's your day cream moisturizer, (which)
a longtime favorite for me.
Next we transition to one of the more
parts of my morning starting off I love making a cold brewed coffee every morning. Yes, the caffeine does help but to be perfectly honest I use it for keeping me regular if you know what I mean and I usually use the
chameleon cold brew coffee[Music].
And while I enjoy this L typically start
, and I usually read two books each day currently I'm trying to read the Bible in a year, so I'll
several chapters with that right now. I'm currently in
Isaiah and
Psalms and really enjoying that
And then I typically read through two books at once so once I finish my few chapters of the Bible it's time
my other read currently I'm going through
Deep Work and insightful read for anyone looking to really just take the work that you're doing a level deeper, to be able to accomplish more and really master the art of focus. And then after my reading and coffee the next thing I'll
is spend a little bit of time meditating focusing on my breath and really just clearing my mind so I'm ready to face the day.
If I still have a
before I need to start my day, what I'll typically do next is get a little bit of water and then work on my puzzle for a few minutes it's one of those small things
bringing me a lot of joy lately it's fun it gets my brain working and challenges it and it's also incredibly satisfying.
Usually my finished water lets me know it's time
and so next off typically focus on getting finally
for the days this is when I'll put on makeup and
going to do my hair that day doing my hair. So my makeup routine
five minutes total to do sometimes it's a little bit
more if I'm really
in some effort but for me makeup is a great way to express my creativity and makes me feel more put together and ready to be productive.
And the same thing really goes for my hair, I
do kind of vary whether or not I'm going to've my hair air-dry, straighten or curl it but today I decided
, and typically I just like the way that my hair looks a little bit more
when it's curled. And then last step- I usually finish by putting on some jewelry for me it's those small details
make an outfit so these pieces are from Anna Louisa and I believe I have a discount code that's still available for you guys so if you're interested in that definitely be sure to check it out- but it is those small touches that I love
an outfit and then it's time to move on to breakfast- I don't typically get very hungry early in the mornings and so, starting off the day with this smoothie is just kind of the right amount of sustenance and energy
without being too filling when I'm not that hungry to begin with. Now my typical morning smoothie is a combination of banana, vanilla extract, spinach blended together and then adding blueberries and a little milk. This smoothie really is an all-time favorite for me though and it's something
several times a week.
And then
that smoothie, I'll usually just
for the day I like to write out a to-do list
the night beforehand well usually review that and see if there's anything
to remove or add at this point.
And then of course during this portion Christopher decided to come in and say hi tell me that he loves me, that was really cute.
And then the last little bit of my morning routine involves cleaning any
doing a quick general tidy up if there's anything that's out of place as well as checking on to love my plants just to see if they need any water for me that simple act of tidying really is essential so that I'm able to give my maximum focus to my work
and not getting distracted by anything that's out of place or that needs to be done.
All right, and
this point it's typically between 9 a.m. and 9:15 and
the rest of my day. So I hope that you enjoyed this video and that it gave you some inspiration for healthy habits or mindful practices
into your own morning routine but I want to know what does your morning routine look like? Be sure to
that down below and if you enjoyed this video and want to see more like it be sure to hit that subscribe button for more minimalism,
and intentional living videos coming at you twice a week.
Oh that's it for today's video!
but let me know in the comments if you
have any requests for future videos
you'd like to see thanks so much for
watching and I'll see you in the next