Watch the first 9 minutes of the video on the left-hand side of the page. Then answer the questions.

1. What book written by Emanuel Velikovsky was found on Albert Einstein's bedside table when he died?
a) Worlds in Collision
b) The Origin of Species
c) The Grand Design
d) The Cosmos Explained

2. In which field did Velikovsky originally train before turning to astrophysics?
a) Physics
b) Medicine
c) Engineering
d) Chemistry

3. Where did Velikovsky move to in 1939, changing the course of his career?
a) Germany
b) Russia
c) United States
d) France

4. What is the central claim of Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision?
a) That alien civilizations visited Earth
b) That the planets were formed by comets
c) That ancient catastrophes were caused by close encounters with celestial bodies
d) That the Earth was hit by a massive asteroid 65 million years ago

5. What celestial body did Velikovsky claim was originally ejected from Jupiter, causing natural disasters on Earth?
a) Mars
b) Venus
c) Pluto
d) The Moon

6. Which event did Velikovsky explain as being caused by the close approach of a comet?
a) The fall of the Roman Empire
b) The Great Fire of London
c) The Ten Plagues of Egypt
d) The Ice Age

7. How did the scientific community initially react to Velikovsky's book Worlds in Collision?
a) They praised it as groundbreaking
b) They were indifferent
c) They orchestrated a campaign to discredit him
d) They accepted his theories with caution

8. Which planet, according to Velikovsky, settled into a stable orbit after causing significant disruption on Earth?
a) Mars
b) Mercury
c) Venus
d) Saturn

9. Velikovsky suggested that the close passes of which planet between 747 BC and 687 BC caused calendar reforms in ancient civilizations?
a) Venus
b) Mars
c) Jupiter
d) Saturn

10. What was one of the reasons Velikovsky's work was controversial?
a) It directly challenged the existence of gravity
b) It contradicted religious accounts
c) It predicted the end of the world
d) It contradicted established models of planetary formation