Ladies and gentlemen! A living legend!
The talented! the beautiful! the handsome!, the young
Steven Tyler!! Boston ON STEVEN TYLER!

Boston is ON! yeah, yeah!

There is nothing like being in this city. When you in
Boston coming from wherever- is there not just an energy that you flowing
through your blood?

you know Aerosmith, we here like what
you know, -71 -72 to get an apartment, on Comm Ave. (Commonwealth Avenue) and then I got, I had a family and I had marshfields and so forth, so this is home

I was gonna you about that because when you were super
young and you were in New York right?

yeah I up in Yonkers new York and in the Bronx and stuff like that
New York boy- and the family a resort called TROW-RICO lodge up in Sunapee. It was like you know 20 beds , you know..


Four cabins and I up on that land
well that

So I was in New York City, apartment buildings to the country. And I
i I've actually spoke about this , they go, you know
well, you know what's with the country record, well you know I grew up in
Sunapee there was 1200 people in my town where I grew up

Wow! So that's a far cry from New York City!

-Far cry,

so what...

that was summer and then winter was New York, so I got the best of all for it.

-You did!

and then you came to Boston and when you to Boston it was for your music career right you wanted to advance what was going on musically , what you here specifically?

-Well, uhm when I Yonkers and
had bands in 69 , 68 we were on a label called Columbia we called the Boston sound because Boston had you know J. Geils and it was it was a happening place.
so when I up in Sunapee, I all my bands in New York. I hitchhiked up to New England, New Hampshire,

I bet that has a bunch of stories of its own the hitchhiking!

Oh my god I hitchhiked all the way from the end of Long Island to
up there. me like nine hours; but I got up there and Joe had a band called the Jam Band at a place called the Barn and I played with all my other bands and we just I said I'd be, at least, I'd be
the drummer at the time and let's move to Boston and Joe's mom had a bus and was going to get'im an apartment and the rest is history. Now you know 1325 Comm Ave is now... got a plaque!

- I was just gonna say you uh was it a couple
years ago went back to visit?


-and you to the basement where you guys used to rehearse!

- yeah

- What was that like? Was that just a million memories all at once coming back to you when you stepped into that place?

- we actually up outside the building 1325, the
street down, and the "T" and and we played and I turned around while we were's three songs in and said you see that stoop right there? That's where Joe and I used to joints all the time and wrote: "we all live on the edge of town where we all living.." but it was more of a West Campus one it was the girls dorm that a guy that ran it at the time.
-let us rehearse down there and the rest is history.