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Barbra Streisand's Homes: From Brooklyn to Malibu

Complete the gaps with the correct form of the verb in brackets

457 Schenectady Ave., East Flatbush

Barbra Streisand's parents, Diana and Emanuel Streisand, (live) in Flatbush—just south of Empire Boulevard in Wingate—when Streisand (be) born on April 24, 1942.

365 Pulaski Street, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn

In 1943, after her father (die), Streisand's mother (move) Barbra and her brother Sheldon into their grandparent's home—a three-room apartment in the Philip Arms building, Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Diana Streisand's father and mother (Louis and Ida Rosen) (live) on the first floor on the tenement building.

“I (sleep) in the bed with my mother and my brother (have) a Roll Away cot in the same room. We never (have) a couch—I guess that's why I (have) lots of couches TODAY,” Streisand (recall) in 2004.

Barbra (attend) the yeshiva on Willoughby Street. And Toby Borookow, the knitting lady who (live) on the first floor of the Philip Arms, (take) a liking to Streisand and (knit) a sweater for Barbra's hot water bottle baby doll. She also (take) care of Barbra after school while her mother (work).

The Pulaski Street home (be) where Barbra (sing) on the stoops with the other children.

3102 Newkirk Ave, Apt. 4G, Vanderveer Estates, Flatbush

In 1950, Barbra and her family (move) to Newkirk Avenue, on the corner of Nostrand Avenue in Flatbush. The building they (live) in (be) one of New York City's larger public housing projects.
Streisand to (go) school at P.S. 89.
Diana Kind (marry) Louis Kind. Daughter Rosalind (Roslyn) Kind (be) born in 1951.

At age 13, Streisand (attend) Erasmus Hall High School and (be) a cashier at Choy's Oriental Restaurant (1850 Nostrand Avenue). Near Erasmus (be) the Loews Kings Theater on Flatbush Avenue where Streisand to (use) watch movies. “I (be) 13 years old when I first (start) spending many a wonderful afternoon there, partly because it (have) double features, air conditioning and great ice cream cones,” Streisand said.

She once (clarify) that she (be / not) an usher there, as reported in several biographies—“I (be) just a kid, a paying customer, a movie lover. ”


At age fifteen, Barbra Streisand (start) spending more time in Manhattan (peruse) the Fifth Avenue Public Library and (take) acting classes.

She (graduate) from Erasmus Hall High School in 1959. After (graduate) (she was sixteen years old), Barbra (move) to Manhattan and (rent) a small apartment at 339 West 48th Street with her acting class friend, Susan Dworkowitz for a very short time.

After her successes at The Lion and The Bon Soir, Streisand (move) in with her boyfriend Barry Dennen for a while. He (live) at 69 West 9th Street. (Another friend, Bob Schulenberg, (stay) at 16 Gay Street).

In 1961, however, after a breakup with Dennen, Streisand (be) homeless for a while. She (keep) clothes at friend's apartments. “Some people (think) I (be) a transvestite when they (look) in that closet with all Barbra’s sequins and feathers,” Schulenberg (reveal)

Streisand also (sleep) on Elaine Sobel's couch in her one-bedroom apartment at 34th Street near Second Avenue.

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