I like all kinds of meat, even Bologna.
-"I knew he was white trash"
I don't even know if Bologna is a meat- I don't think
meats supposed to catch on fire like that.
What's interesting about Bologna
it's not just a meat it's an _______
that's a bunch of Bologna!!
you're full of Bologna!! kind of implies
Bologna makes you lie- I eat Bologna all
the time or maybe I don't.
Have you seen the Bologna that has the olives in it?
Who's that for?
I like my Bologna like a martini with an
olive- I love the bologna sandwich dirty!
Dirty Martini here)
Everything about Bologna is silly.
Who decided on the pronunciation of the word bologna?
All right tell me how you pronounce this word?
- If you saw there's a G in the word.
- I don't see no G. Bologna!
- Okay, well the word does end with an A.
-We're going Bologna
- "Trust me I came up with- Colonel"-/kernal/
You've been reading and come across the word
Colonial, and you go like colo- clo-Colonial
someone important- This reading is hard!
Where's my TV?