Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers.
Biscuits, biscuits and more biscuits!
This is the job of dreams.
A Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
experience. Only- this isn't a

Every day million chocolate
digestives are produced here at the
McVitie's factory. Londonlists have got
exclusive access, and we're going to take
you on a tour of the

Located next to Harlesden station,
McVitie's factory is Europe's largest
biscuit factory by volume.
Every year over and thirty thousand tons
of product here. Products which
you might be into your tea right

Nina's answer-read the yellow subtitles

and don't just take Nina's word force,
the chocolate biscuit has on
top in numerous national surveys.
And to meet the country's for
biscuits, McVitie's has established a highly
sophisticated operation. Inside the factory there are four main sections.
The first is the bulk mixing room.
This is where the is and is one
of the most of the
The next section is the oven
hall, as the name suggests- this is where
the biscuits
The company still uses the same ovens the 1950s
Once baked the biscuits enter the packing
Hall. This is one of the most automated
and modern parts of the factory.
The final section is the savory snacks
packing room, where Jacob snacks made.
It is a strict operation to say the
least, one that has evolved and being
perfected 1902.

Nina`s words

But whereas the production processes
change, the biscuits secret recipe hasn't.

A biscuit on the production line today,
tastes much like the original biscuit
designed by Sir Alexander Grant in 1892.
These digestives here
they're ready to be packaged; this is as
fresh as it gets, so I'm going to a
taste test.

I've never had a hot digestive...that is gorgeous!
and the recipe isn't the only mystery in
this Factory another
remains: should you dunk or not?

Nina's words..."it increases the flavor 11 times if you dunk it.."

Dunked or not dunked, these biscuits have
a pride and place in our kitchen cupboards.
and of biscuit
production under its belt, the McVitie's
factory in Harlesden is unlikely to take
the biscuit anytime soon