Oh, look at that.
You got me a new ​loofah.
Yeah, it's from , and the salesman
said it has a very ergonomic design​, so...
Oh, Reuben, that's really...
thank you... really .
Oh, my God! [Laughs]
I don't this!
Oh, what are you doing here?
We're having an early supper.
I wanted your father to try new cuisines.
Really? It's only : .
It's a crime to beat the dinner crowds?
Who is this young woman?
This is Polly Prince.
Polly, these are my parents.
Irving and Vivian Feffer.
Polly, it's so good meeting you.
­ How are you?
­ I can't believe you're eating .
You hate spicy food.
­ No, I don't, Mom.
­ [No Audible Dialogue]
Well, I'm gonna... Psst!
I'm ask...
[Snaps Fingers]
I'm gonna ask this nice American man
to get us a bigger ​table.
Mom, they're Indian.
You can call them Indian. It's okay.
Hi. Need table, please.
Many thanks.
Now, how do you kids each other​?
I told you.
Mom, we to middle school together.
We were both delegates in the Model U.N.
Oh, you still work in government, ?
No, no. I'm a waitress​.
­ Mm.
­ She's also writing a children's book.
Oh, very nice. Reu, you'll never guess who I yesterday.
Who's that?
Lisa's mother.
That's good. Hey, Dad, did you try this...
What is this called?
­ Saag. Did you try this?
Apparently, Lisa's wonderfully down there in St. Barts,
­ selling villas, happy.
­ That's good for her.
­ Now, who's Lisa​?
­ Nah.
­ Not important.
­ Lisa's Reuben's wife.
­ Mm. Oh.
­ She left him for another man on their .
­ Oh.
­ Are we ready for the check​?
I think I'll take the check.
­ [Sighs]
­ What?
Well, you know,
your dad seems really nice.
Yes. A man of few words.
Hey, look, I just want you to know
I was tell you about Lisa.
I just, um...
I was ​, and I...I guess 'cause I hadn't seen you
for so long and...
Oh, it's so okay.
I understand​.
No, I was an idiot.
I should've just told you the truth ​ the start.
Reuben, I'm really... I'm not .
But when did this happen?
Two weeks ​ago.