
   a decent education      community feel      double strollers      families      hard-hitting      I’m vegan      I'm vegetarian      in the suburbs      it's gotten more expensive      liberal      more diverse      quaint      safer      seeing more graffiti      the schools here      this is like where the cool kids play      to raise a kid      trees      wider sidewalks   
Neighborhoods: Park Slope

Woman 1: If you really wanna understand this neighborhood you should totally go into the grocery stores here cuz: THEY are disgusting
I'm Will Garré; join Curbed as we ask new Yorkers questions about their homes foods and habits.

Welcome to neighborhood crashers

Q: How would you describe this neighborhood to someone that has never been here before. W2 : kind of
M1: to the point where they weren't disappointed that Bush won; they were disappointed that Nader didn’t.
W3: in a big city
W1: it's kind of a place for people who don't wanna live
because they don't wanna live in the suburbs but they want everything that the suburbs have.
M2: great place ; it’s a beautiful neighborhood.

Q: How long have you lived here in Park Slope?
M1: Probably over 20 years.

Q: So how have you seen the neighborhood change in that time?
I am; uh…, it’s gotten
although lately I'm and seeing more thuggish teenage type hanging out at night. Making this trip some guy got stubbed around the corner not too long ago.

W2: it's funny cuz when I first moved to Park Slope I couldn't get anyone to come from Manhattan and ….. now

W1: Did you see the thing on the internet like ….. Beyon… because Beyonce was at that playground down on Third Street ….
Q: Oh Really? Was she just hanging out?
W1: Don’t ya ‘ve a kid?

Q: Where do you go grocery shopping?
W3: I usually go to Back to Land 'cuz so we have options for vegans.
Man: I didn’t make the commitment to be vegan yet.
W1: yeah I mean, really if you wanna buy decent food all around here
you need to go to a coop, but it's also kind of a pain because you know there's that whole weird culture that surrounds the coop. You may have to work and that’s kinda drag
Woman: we have a cheese shop where we go to..- yes, we go to .....for cheese..

Q: What is one thing you would change about Park Slope?
I would like it to be like both in income and race, racially
W4: for the giants strollers
W1: Oh! I'll yeah you know what I would change-my gosh- are
ridiculous they're great, but it's like the process of getting your kid into,
getting your kid like is ridiculous!
M1: get rid of alternate side parking

Q: How do you see Park Slope changing in the next five years or so?
W3: I think there’s every chance we won't be able to afford to live. They've raised our rent 400 dollars, so...

What is one word you’d use to describe Park Slope?

