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German beer is world-famous. And thanks to the German purity law ______stipulates that only a couple of ingredients may be used when brewing beer, the taste of beer hasn't changed for centuries. But today I am meeting someone _____would definitely argue that there's always room for improvement.
that / which
which / who
who / which
What we are using is just _______________ like any other German beer. This is very important to many people because there is no artificial crap that we throw in to get the flavours. What's different about craft beer compared to regular or mainstream beer is that we focus on the special flavours of each ingredient. In the past, this was lost somehow. The German beers don't use much hops anymore, just a little bit for bittering but not so much for the aroma.
malt, hops, water and yeast
hops, malt yeast and water
malt, hops, yeast and water
We're going to start with selecting our raw materials. First of all, it's the ______. The base malts are usually kind of neutral. Flavour has like some very basic malty flavour but the more special you go, you get a caramelly flavour or a _______flavour. With darker malts, you even get some dried fruit flavours into the beer.
malty / caramel
malts / chocolate
malt / chocolatey
We are now checking, if our mash is ready, like all the starch has converted into _______. So, this is where we have to take a sample and with some iodine on it we can see, whether or not it changes its colour to black blue. Then it's not good. That means there is still ______in there and we would need to keep it in there for another while. But when there's not much of a change in colour, we know we are ready to go to the next step of lautering.
fructose / starch
sugar / starch
starch / sugar
We then try to get rid of all the solids of this ______that we just did So, we try to get a clear liquid out of it. We call it wort. This will then get boiled. And that's when our second ingredient, _______, come into place.
mash / the malts
malts / mash
mash / the hops
Usually in the past, hops were only used for the ________ They were usually added at the beginning of the boil. There is just one _________to it: If you boil the hops, it means that all the nice aromas just go out through the chimney. When you add them at the end, you don't really extract that much bitterness out of the hops anymore. However, you keep most of the _______ So, we add most of our hops at the end of the boil and even some after that.
bitterness / downside / aroma
aroma / downside / bitterness
bitter /downside / aroma
In the beginning, it was difficult for us to educate the people that _____we were doing (we make) is actually beer. They were just amazed by these intense flavours and thought ______we put artificial flavours in. We said "no, this is actually real beer, back to the roots, focus on the ingredients and make the best out of it!"
which / that
what / that
that / that
Our goal is to _______the view of people, how they look on beer, that beer does not always have to be the same and that they don't have to drink the same every day.
The process of brewing beer actually involves just a few basic steps. But within each of those steps there are hundreds of variables ________can change the flavour, the look, the colour, the feel of a beer. And actually, for me, that's where the craftsmen comes in, the ability to rely on one's intuition and just know that this is ______they're gonna come up with. Fortunately, I have a team and a hotel close by. So I am not gonna be driving anymore. Be safe! Cheers!