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Well, it's not my motto. It's what exists that is ALL THINGS MUST PASS just shows the nature of the physical world. Everything
changing all the time we get born and we die but we are in this body and we go through from birth to death we stay the same; the soul is the same, but the body is and like that, you know, it's the nature of's called duality and it just changing but everything passes except the essence of that which is our soul.

You know, I don't believe I have great musical ability, or great lyrical ability. And... I have a bigger problem than that. It's because of my influence from Indian music and the whole spirit thing is that I don't see the point to most songs like most people would write I could write hundreds of songs you know: "hey baby what you're going to do"- you know, that I could turn them out but I don't want to. If I'm going something I'd like it some kind of importance, some values, so that you know in 20 years time it's still... it's not just some dumb song that made,.. you know,.. some royalties I mean the royalties are nice but it would be good able to have something a little deeper. And... and so you know it's very difficult how that's why the chance of India is much better because it's all there in Sanskrit; you just say the Sanskrit and they're all mantras and they're all prayers and they all have a spiritual connection. It's much easier than trying in English some incredible philosophy or something that has a value. Sure you know, it's like um... Swami back to Vedanta who started the Hare Krishna movement. He once said that he was the servant of the servant of the servant of God in what does that make me?- I'm the the servant of the servant of the servant of the servant....

You know I'm unhappy about the world concreted over and all the forests chopped down and pulled the air polluted and that the fact that the planet is in the control of mad people you know people who are crazy people who are greedy all these people who are the rainforests and you know any far .They`re just selling it because they make some money without,- you know, I'm very unhappy about that, but I have a long term view which is all things must pass— I mean, before it used to be maybe they're gonna blow us up with h-bombs but even that I told. it don't really matter they can't destroy what's within ourselves Krishna said there's no time when we and there'll be no time when we cease the only thing that is the body so even if they blew us up with h-bombs our soul will stay in our other astral body and the only thing that won't here is physical, so you know I'm sad about it. The world but I look at it from within and without.