Watch the video, then complete the summary below with the correct form of the noun using the word in parentheses

How To Think About Strategic Projects | Oxford Saïd
Understanding Project (assume, noun plural) and Scenarios

Strategic projects are based on (assume, noun plural) about the future (contextualize), which form scenarios specific to the project.
These scenarios are crucial as they underpin the decision-making (to process) and help anticipate potential future .(change)
For instance, factors like social (valuable), (technological), and (to deregulate) played a significant role in transforming the taxi (industrial) with companies like Uber.
The (able) to foresee and adapt to such changes is vital for the (to succeed) of strategic projects.

"The project is actually addressing these sorts of future changes... There is a scenario and a set of assumptions sitting under every strategic project."

Dealing with (uncertain) and Building (robust)

In a world of emerging (complex, noun plural), attempting to predict novel and uncertain (situate, noun plural) can be challenging and often unreliable.
Rather than trying to forecast the unpredictable future, it is more effective to focus on creating (adaptable) and robustness within strategic projects.
Climate change serves as a prime (exemplify) where historical data may not accurately predict future (to impact, plural noun), emphasizing the need for adaptability.
The goal shifts from forecasting (uncertain) to building projects that can withstand a variety of potential future scenarios.

"We're much better off focusing... on making the projects adaptable and building in a robustness."

Utilizing Scenario Planning for Project (to succeed)

Scenario planning involves considering multiple future scenarios alongside the project's current assumptions to enhance adaptability and . (resilient)
By exploring various plausible future (contextual, noun plural), project teams gain insights into potential (to challenge, noun plural) and opportunities (opportune, plural noun) not originally considered.
Drawing parallels to aircraft testing in a (windy) tunnel, scenarios act as a testing (grounded), helping identify necessary project (to adjust, plural noun) for different future conditions.
Embracing scenarios not only prepares projects for potential changes but also sparks (to innovate) by opening up new perspectives and opportunities.

"Scenarios become the wind tunnel... asking questions about what these conditions mean for our particular project."