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In 1848, gold was discovered at Sutter's Mill in California. That was the start of the Gold Rush Era. The first wave to hit California were nicknamed the 49'ers due to the fact that they left home in 1849. They left home promising to find their fortunes. Hundreds of thousands headed west seeking to find their fortunes and to start a new life.

Many went by wagon train with the phrase "California or Bust" on their lips and some even painted it on their wagons. They went with dreams of gold filled rivers waiting to be plundered; of hills rich with the metal just sitting there waiting to be plucked. Not all made it to California and once they did they found it wasn't as easy as they had dreamt or heard about in rumors.

The gold itself wasn't that hard to find but other things were. Things bought back east for pennies were now costing several dollars. Still these earlier pioneers were struck with Gold Fever and they would not settle for anything less.
