adopted      agreed      arrived      began      bought      closed      in      In      On      opened      ordered      persuaded      reduced      reopened      saw      streamlined      was      went      were      with   
Hello and welcome to history pod.

the 15th of May 1940 Richard and Maurice
McDonald the first McDonald's
restaurant in San Bernardino California.

The McDonald brothers had successfully
run the airdrome hot dog stand in
Arcadia California for three years
before they their first McDonald's
barbecue restaurant in San Bernardino.
the restaurant had 25 items on the menu
and typical of restaurants of its
time where customers by car and
served by waiting staff known as "car hops".

1948, the brothers their
entire restaurant experience when they
temporarily the restaurant for
remodeling. It in October a
new design where customers food
directly at the counter. The brothers
also the number of items on the
menu and introduced their "speedee service"
system that an assembly line
approach to simplifying food preparation.

Many of these design innovations had
first been introduced by the White
Castle hamburger chain the 1920s
but the success of the McDonald's
brothers restaurant them seek opportunities
to expand their business.

In 1953, they to offer franchise
opportunities firstly of the serving
system and then at the entire brand
including the name and the architectural
design the aggressive expansion of the
McDonald's brand was overseen by Ray
Kroc originally a provider of milkshake
machines but who the
McDonald's brothers to franchise the
restaurants throughout the country.

The brothers and received 0.5 %
of gross sales in franchised restaurants.

Kroc later completely the brothers out in
1961 paying them 2.7 million dollars for
the business and then on to create
the global chain that we know today