The simple present can be used with or without an adverb of time to describe habitual actions, things that happen repeatedly :
I get up at 7:00 a.m.
John smokes a lot.
We can be more precise about habitual actions by using the simple present with adverbs of indefinite frequency (always , usually, often,seldom, never) or with adverbial phrases such as every day
I sometimes stay up till midnight. She visits her parents every day.
We commonly use the simple present to ask and answer questions which begin with How often7
How often do you go to the dentist? - I go every six months.
Questions relating to habit can be asked with ever and answered with e g never and sometimes not ever
Do you ever eat meat? - No I never eat meat
Manchester United will win on Saturday.
It will rain tomorrow.
Will food prices rise again next month?
I don't know if I shall/will see you next week. (SHALL is unusual in American English)